Family Information
Dear Monarch Preschool Families,
We are excited to welcome you to the Monarch Preschool College Park (MPCP) “Home of the Soaring Learners”. We hope you are ready for a wonderful 2024-2025 school year! We are looking forward to a fun-filled time of exploration, creativity, and an enriched learning experience. We are confident that your child will excel both academically and socially and will become an integral part of our school community.
Your parent handbook is a useful tool available on our school website at along with other forms that will provide necessary information pertinent to our school program. We will communicate regularly through the Procare application. (Please keep an eye out for our invitation by email including instructions to open your Procare account). Enrollment forms must be submitted for approval to complete enrollment.
Communication and involvement are important to us at the Monarch Preschool. Please be sure to check for updates on our school website at and “Like” us on our Monarch Preschool Facebook page. You can also find us on Twitter @monarchprescho1 and Instagram @monarchpreschoolsmaryland. Updates, current events, and opportunities for you to get involved in our school community will be posted on these sites.
The following documents must be completed prior to your first day of school.
- Enrollment Form
- 2021-2022 Parent Handbook
- 2021-2022 Covid Addendum
- Emergency Form
- Health Inventory/Maryland Lead Form
- Allergy Form
- Birth Certificate
- Credit Card Form
We want to extend our thanks and gratitude for your support and entrusting us with your child’s care. We are committed to supporting our families’ and student’s success! Download a pdf of this welcome letter here
Thank You,